Sunday, February 26, 2012

A "new" light fixture

I have this wonderful room that I use as an office, a sewing room, a catch all, and I want a name for it. Studio presumes way too much, and I no longer use it as just an office.  Perhaps a Stuffice? an Offio? Stufio?  When I moved here, this room had big white globe fixtures with gold stripes.  They just weren't me, so they disappeared, and I had not replaced them until yesterday when I saw some light fixtures using canning jars.  Hah! The light went on.
Pottery Barn Light Fixture $149.00

I ran downstairs to search the canning supplies for just the right jar. 
Old Moore's Valley Light Fixture $FREE.00
This old wide mouth Ball was perfect!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


The weather forecast called for a "wintery mix" today, which means: rain, snow, sleet and even a bit of sunshine thrown in.  Wintery mix means to me:  stay inside, read a book, keep the firewood box full, do bits of this and that.

One of those bits is to fix this old bull statue. 
I found it up in the equipment graveyard a year or so ago. The equipment graveyard is about halfway up the hill.  The former owners/farmers dumped equipment and other metal crap there.  It is overgrown with blackberries, but at this time of the year it's relatively accessible.  The bull is heavy metal, maybe a pot metal with a copper top layer that has mostly disappeared, but still has some turquoise patina on the base.  This guy still has his ears, his horns and his balls.  What are the chances that after being thrown away, laying out in the weather for years, that he would still be so intact?  So the fix was that he had some old screws coming out of the base that caused him to tilt and fall. A little sawing and they came right off.  I have no idea what the original use was, but I am thinking that he works well as a doorstop.  Any other ideas?

Sometimes I just can't help myself and haul down weird rusty metal junkyard stuff.  Lovely vintage jewels for this old storage shed.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lurkin' in the brush

A big oak branch up on top of the hill came off during the last storm.  This is what is left still standing.
Oregon White Oak
Oregon White Oak
This is what came down, or at least some of what came down.  Sid took the splitter up the hill to turn this all into firewood.  They are large rounds, so not easy.
Next Winter's Firewood
Hard Work
Libby & Jackson
The dogs sniffing, exploring.  Yesterday's trip up the hill led to a most unfortunate incident.  Coming back to the house, we heard Libby bark at something off the trail.  Jackson went to join her.  We called them. Jackson came running back and immediately our noses told us what Libby had been barking at........a SKUNK!  It got her good.  Right in the face, her nose, her eyes and mouth and across her back.  I felt so sorry for her.  Poor girl was miserable. Thank goodness for Dawn dishwashing detergent. Skunk spray is like a grease, and Dawn cuts the grease.  I used a full bottle on Libby dog.  Jack wasn't so bad.  I think he got it more in passing, and his coat is slick so it came off easily.  

So lesson learned:  Always keep Dawn dishwashing soap on hand.  You never know when a skunk is lurking in the brush.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunshine and Citrus

Just back from a trip to Arizona.  I took few clothes so that coming back I could fill suitcases with lemons and grapefruits right off the trees, and dates direct from Imperial Valley palms. 

What a treat:  Sunshine and Citrus!
Good to be home, but a very nice trip.