Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's snowing!

Snow on Muffin Mountain
Yesterday, a female Northern Flicker banged into the kitchen window, left quite a few feathers on the pane.  We found her lying below the kitchen window with blood flowing from her beak.  Poor birdie.  Sid picked her up and held her.  Now, I know it sounds stupid, but she seemed like that helped her....maybe the warmth of his hands holding her.  Anyway, we thought she was a goner, but didn't want the dogs or something else to get her, so we sat out on the front porch and held her.  Pretty soon, she started looking around.  Then suddenly, without warning, she pooped all over me and flew off. 

Look at the size of her beak!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that this year we are getting a snow winter, although I'm a bit surprised it is still going on in February. Snow just makes everything look so clean and peaceful.
