Saturday, February 23, 2013

Spring Clean up...

Trying to get out every day and do clean up in the planting beds.  

Found this nest, most likely a white crowned sparrow.  
It was built about a foot and a half off the ground in a large sage plant. 
(In trying to figure out what kind of nest this is, 
I discovered that white and golden-crowned sparrows are not true sparrows.  
They are buntings.)
White-crowned sparrow nest 
 Daffodils and other spring flowers are beginning to push through the dirt.

I am anxious to get peas, spinach, other early vegetables in the ground. 
Perhaps this next week.
Although, woke up this morning to a lot of snow in the surrounding foothills.
I just hope it stays up high, and lets this little valley get on with spring.


  1. So your walmart truck post that disappeared intrigued me enough to google it. What a doofus. Of course, what can you expect from Mall-Wart...

  2. Glad you googled it. Julia, it was so strange. It was there with all the pictures, and I always double check to make sure that my posts look like I think they should. So it all looked fine, and then five minutes later, all the pictures were gone. The words were all there, but the pics had disappeared. WEIRD! So too much trouble to put it back up, so I took the whole thing down. Gayle had suggested that maybe it was a "greeter" driving the truck. Idiot is right!
