Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why do dogs roll in poop?

So Libby Dog came down the hill today with a big smile on her face.  She was so happy because she had found a big pile of poop to roll in.  Little white dog was half black.  Usually I am sympathetic to her bathing needs and warm up her bath water for her.  Not today.  Today she got the old cold hose and a ton of soap.

Dogs!  Why do they have to be so doggy?  They roll in poop.  They eat poop.  They sniff each others butts, and they love dead things.  And after all that, they want to lick your face.  Acchhhh!


  1. LOL
    instead of poop think perfume
    we think DNKY dogs think badger poop
    instead of sniffing butts think shaking hands
    their way probably spreads fewer germs
    smelling, rolling on, playing with dead things think funeral
    licking your face well a kiss is still a kiss

  2. DNKY? Showing my ignorance.

    This is dog poetry! Libby and Jackson would love you to pieces.

  3. Should have been DKNY
    Donna Karan New York she's designer with her own line of everything including perfume.
