Friday, March 23, 2012

Pussy Willow Wreath

So while it snowed, and it was too cold to go outside, I made a couple of pussy willow wreaths.

 This is my favorite.
A little ragged and blousy looking.
If perfect, it wouldn't fit with the rest of the "decor".
As I was making wreaths, 
Jackson was "lab"oring (such a bad pun) 
under the misconception that I had brought sticks into the house for him to chew.  
He would pull a branch from the box and then strip it of the catkins.  
I swear he was chuckling as he did it. 
Fortunately, lots of pussy willows, so no harm done.

Any other ideas what to do with armloads of pussy willows?


  1. Um, send them to me? I love them, but they don't grow here. I hope the snow is gone and spring has come to your part of the world!

  2. oh i love this so!
    such perfect beauty this circle of catkins announcing spring!!!

  3. If Spring means rain, then it is here in full force. I had hoped to get out and get more pussy willows, but the catkins are starting to turn yellow. Glad you both like the wreath. It was fun to make!

  4. Sooo beautiful...who knew they had so many personalities? I love that idea from Anytime flowers but they are all gorgeous...thanks for the inspiration.
