Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In the box...

Several weeks back folks from the electrical company told us that the bluebird boxes had to come off the power pole. Okay, we'll take them down.  Too early for birdies, so no harm, no foul....or so we thought.

Took the first box down, emptied last year's empty nest out.  Took the second box down, emptied a somewhat unusual fluffy large nest out.  No eggs.  However, as soon as it was on the ground, little critters started mewling and crawling out from the center of the nest.

Little tiny chipmunks.

Stuff the nest back in.  Scoop the five mewlers into the nest and leave them alone.

Three weeks go by. Having no idea how long it takes baby chipmunks to fledge, we go back to the nest.  Empty.  Take the nest out, set it on the ground. Then realize that bigger baby chipmunks are clinging to our hands and crawling from the center of the nest.  

Stuff the nest back in.  Scoop the five crawlers back into the nest.

Now we are pretty shy about bothering that nest.  

Today I was working outside and noticed that the babies are beginning to explore outside of their box.
So much fun to watch them begin to explore their world.  

baby chipmunks

Amazingly, it seemed like the babes had no fear as I was able to be within ten feet of them as I took the pictures.

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