Saturday, June 29, 2013

I never thought I would buy shoes for a dog...

We have foxtails everywhere.

Libby picks them up in her feet.
They get embedded in her footpad and  start traveling through her body.
Foxtails are nasty.
The pointy little end goes in first then the little spikes propel it deeper into the body.  
They only go forward, and do not backout.
The only natural way they will come out is if they make an exit hole somewhere in their path.
Libby gnaws at them.
Her foot gets infected, and off to the vets we go.

The vet delves in with a probe and is usually able to find the foxtail.
However, this last time it took two visits, two rounds of anti-biotics,
the horrible "cone-of-shame", and multiple dressings.


I considered getting a big propane torch and and burning the foxtails out.
However, I soon came to my senses.
Forest fires and grass fires kept coming to mind.  

If I can't get rid of the foxtails, then how can I protect Libby's feet from them?

SHOES!  Yes, Doggy Shoes.
Into town Libby and I went to find her a pair of doggy shoes to protect her feet from the evil foxtails.
First place, no luck, just some really odd looks.
At the second place they had "muttlucks".

 "Come on, Libby, it's time to try on your first two pairs of shoes."

First two pairs (she has four feet) were too large, and as she walked around the store, they fell off.
Second two pairs of shoes were just right.
Libby is now the proud owner of two pairs of muttluks.  They stay on.
I don't have to worry about foxtails becoming imbedded into her feet.
She doesn't seem to mind them.
In fact, can't you see the excitement and joy in her eyes?
Libby proudly sporting her new pairs of muttluks.
Hmmm, maybe she could be a dog model for muttluks.


  1. Tres chic Libby!
    Good Mom Marilyn!

  2. Terri and Terri,
    Thanks for commenting.
    Good to see you here

    Yup, I think Lib is pretty happy with her new shoes.

  3. Just been thinking.... yes I know dangerous, why do they sell dog shoes in pairs? Dogs (most of them) have four feet, shouldn't the shoes come in four packs?

  4. That's funny. I called them pairs of shoes, because, well, shoes come in pairs. But Libby's shoe package was a pair of pairs, so four in a pack. I did see some that come only two to a pack, and I thought that rather odd.
