Sunday, August 4, 2013

Not for the squeamish....

The processional.....
An elk cow had been laying just beyond the pond for a day and a half, when we realized that her hind legs weren't working well and she was dying.  A slow death of old age or injury is acceptable. However, our fear was that coyotes would find her before she was dead. So we called the state police and asked that an officer be sent out to put her down.  By the time he arrived, she could no longer walk.  In fact, seemed like she didn't even know that people were near her.

Yesterday morning we watched as her herd came to pay their respects.  The new calves simply laid down in the grass as the herd elders stood for a half hour almost motionless watching her body.  Then the lead cow slowly led the herd away from her, past the pond in a slow procession.

Anthropomorphizing?  Maybe.  But this is what we witnessed.

1 comment:

  1. In answer to an email...Yes, the state police officer came out and put her down. Better that, than to have her continue to suffer.
