Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mr. Shoulder to the Grindstone and I went to Ashland to see some plays with his mom and dad.  The plays were terrific.  Especially recommend August: Osage County.  Wow, pretty powerful.  Unfortunately, the entire time that we were gone, I felt like...........
Still trying to get myself into a more enlightened state of being. 

On the way home we stopped for lunch in Cottage Grove. Parked the car and the first thing we see is this sign.  Oh my, it is Saturday.  It is April 23, 2011, and the time is about 1:00.   I am all for getting out of town, quickly, rather than being caught up in a small town parade.  Mr. Shoulder to the Grindstone is having a hunger panic.  He is not willing to go another mile without being fed.  At this point we have a collective break down, but move the car and find a sandwich to eat.  By the time his hunger is assuaged and panic is subsided, we are totally locked in and cannot move out of downtown Cottage Grove even for an emergency.  We are going to watch the "All Species Parade."  What the hell is an "All Species Parade"? Well it starts with a.....
Giraffe and a Bumble-Bee
Followed by The Official Welcoming Sign!

A Very Large Spider

A Large Moose with his friend the Anteater
And, a snail, complete with a slime trail

We are not real sure what this is....Octopus?
A couple of cows in need of milking.

A carrot

These are just a few of the parade highlights.  Have to admit that we both totally enjoyed the parade, the marimba music in the background and the happiness of everyone.  (The egg salad sandwiches weren't bad either.)


  1. I'm glad you got 'stuck' how could something so silly not be fun and good for 'all species'. Well maybe not good for eggs.

  2. It was fun and silly! And I am glad that we were able to "enjoy the moment"

  3. I think my favorite is the little red octopus.... "I'd like to be
    under the sea
    in an octopus' garden
    in the shade"
