Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Haying: A Collaborative Venture

Often wrong, and constantly changing, we still look to the weather forecasts to help us determine when to begin haying.
When we cut the hay, the forecast was ten days of warm, dry weather.
The instant it was down, that changed to possible rain Saturday and Sunday.
The plan had been to bale on Monday.
However, with rain coming, baling was moved to late Sunday evening.
In spite of it being Fathers' Day, our neighbors and their crews were here ready to work.

Sunday 5:30 pm.  Waiting for the baler-man.
We keep watching the clouds moving through the valley.
What will arrive first: the baler or the forecasted rain?
Everyone is a smidge anxious.  
 Can we beat the rain?

7pm: Baler finally arrives.
Hay is still dry.
Crews are bucking hay.
By midnight all of the hay is off the field.
Yeah! It didn't get rained on.
Thanks everyone!
Haying: A collaborative venture.
We will be going through this one more time.
There is still hay to be cut, raked, baled & bucked.

But until then, the elk enjoy grazing in it.
Elk in hayfield.
A few elk with yesterday's lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Not til 7??? Geez, I'd have been pretty antsy. Glad everyone committed to staying until the work was finished!
