Monday, August 29, 2011

Good to be home!

 I spent most of last week preparing for a Thursday/Friday teacher inservice training.  Then worked at the winery over the weekend.  So it's nice to be home.  Today is a bit cloudy, so a great day for harvesting and "puttin' up" the vegetables from the garden. Lots of beans, basil and squash.

A small bit of today's bounty
Pickled gold and red beets
Today was the first day that I did my bee count for the Great Sunflower Project.  Eleven bees came to collect pollen from the one flower that I was observing.


  1. I am envious of your bounty, hopefully mine next year will be more than 5 tomatoes.
    On the bee count, what period of time did you observe? And when you do the next will it be during the same time of day?

  2. I observed one blossom for ten minutes from 5:25 to 5:35 pm. I don't think it matters if it is the same time of the day. It would be hard to get people to do it if the project folks were too anal about it. I went out with my camera and a "greyhound" and had myself a fine time observing the bee world.

    I won't be observing tomorrow as I finally report for jury duty. The first time on the last day of the month. I will be happy to get my life back and be able to make plans. Yeah!
