Monday, August 22, 2011

The Weekend in Review

A nice bunch of coho salmon caught outside of the mouth of the Columbia on Sunday.  The first time that we have "crossed the bar" not to be confused with entering a bar.  Thanks to our hosts, Terry and Leonard, on the "On Call".  We had a great trip.  The fish are in the freezer.

We got home last night to find that one of the branches on the walnut trees had crashed.

 I would have liked to have been here to witness and hear the crash of this limb. Our friend Nanette was lazing in the hammock at the time.  What a wake up!
The trees are loaded this year. We should have enough to commercially dry and sell.
And on a different note.....
We have five new baby bluebirds.  These little guys were born last Thursday, so are less than a week old.  This is the second clutch this summer.  The first clutch babies (now adolescents) are about 6 weeks.  They help to feed and clean up after these little guys, learning how to be good bluebird parents.

And on an even more different note:

This most wonderful beaded bag has come to live here.  Thanks to my sweet sister over at Frost Creek.

Here's hoping your fishing is good, no branches fall on your head, and that good things come to live with you.


  1. Looks like it was a great weekend, those are some nice looking fish! The baby blues are pretty darn sweet.

  2. I am so glad that you got to see these babies. I check on them every other day. Can't help myself. I worry about them in this heat. Glad they are not heavily clothed.
