Saturday, August 13, 2011

High Tech meets Low Tech

Old Bread Cupboard
This old bread cupboard has been out in the garage waiting for me and the right weather to make it solid enough to come into the house.  The old loose paint needed to be sanded down.  The inside of the drawers deserved a fresh coat of blueberry blue paint.  Legs and drawers needed nails to be replaced with screws and a goodly amount of wood glue to ensure stability.  Lastly a light coat of verathane to finish it off.

I debated whether or not to just sand it down and give it a fresh coat of paint.  I certainly wouldn't be the first one who did just that, as I found pink, blue and green paint on the little cupboard.  However, I will try it this way, and if I don't like it, I can always paint it later.  (sacrilege to some folk)

I love the juxtaposition of the old cupboard with the espresso machine sitting on it.  Before there was high tech, there was low tech.  The cupboard came first.

Seen-Better-Days Lawn Chair
HELP! This old chair has definitely seen better days, and Mr. Shoulder to the Grindstone thinks that it should now see the burn pile.  Note the arm is no longer attached to the post, and when you sit in it, it's just a bit wobbly.  But I think it is cute, and maybe not really good as a sit-in-it-while-having-your-5 o'clock-toddy-chair, perhaps it could be an "art" chair.  And this is where I need the help.  What do you think?  Any good ideas about transforming this chair into something other than charcoal?

And, one last thing, I have been offered four marble table tops that had been used in the old Newberg High School chem lab.  They are about 30 inches wide and several feet long.  I want them.  I think I will be sorry if I pass them up, but for the life of me, I can't figure out why.  What can I do with them?  Am I a little crazy for wanting them?  Ideas?  HELP again!  


  1. Ohhhh, the old bread bin table turned out really cute...and R2D2 looks quite at home on it!!

  2. The marble counters have gone the way of Craig's List/Portland. I went to pick them up, like perhaps I am some kind of super human android. Together, Emily and I could not lift even one of them. So let someone who knows why they want them heft them around. But they are pretty cool...Black marble.

  3. They would have been really nice for candy making. When you do fudge, you spread it on a marble slab and let it cool.

    Love your beautiful photos! Gayle sent me :)

