Sunday, August 7, 2011

Just Ramblin'

 Isn't this a cutie?  A 1959 Rambler American Supra.  3 Speed On the Column.  Gets 28 miles to the gallon and has the original flathead 6 engine in it.  Living on a long gravel road I don't take it out often.  However, a week or so ago we decided it needed to be driven so we took off for McMinnville.  Got half way to town and the oil pressure light came on.  So we turned around and came home.

Called Fred Mechanic and he said don't drive it with the oil pressure light on.  So we had it carried to Fred on a big tow truck.  Fred called later and told us the Rambler was fixed and it would be $33.00.  Yup, Thirty Three dollars.  Not 133 or 333, but 33.  When is the last time any of us had a car that couldn't be driven fixed for $33.00.  Fred is amazing!

So while the Rambler was with Fred, I cleaned the garage.  I found this rug up in the rafters.  I had known it was there, but had thought that it must be musty, dirty, stained, stinky, covered with cat hair, etc.  Surprise!  It is perfect.  My reward for tackling the messy garage.  Lucky me.


  1. Oh.....just looking at "her" makes me smile!! I love that car!! And fred is a jewel. Not many Freds left these days.
    Beautiful rug............
    Good thing you rescued's lovely!!!

  2. Just received a message from Mr. Shoulder to the Grindstone's momma. She said that she recognized the carpet. It is Persian. This treasure is in the house, just need to decide where it will go. It is like brand new.
    Thanks, Mom.

  3. Why can't I find treasures like this when I clean out my garage, instead of just squirrel trash. So envious!
