Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tomorrow is our 3rd Anniversary!

Wow!  Three years since we got married!  Almost 7 years since we met!

So being a true romantic, my gift to Sid on our anniversary is a new chain saw.  It's the baby version of his grown up Stihl chain saw.  He was really happy.  I think I totally surprised him.

To clear up a couple of previous items:  Our "RV" is one of the Dodge farm trucks that has a canopy on the back of it.  That's right a canopy, not a camper.  It's a great truck and always gets us wherever we want to go and back home again.  And with enough blankets, sleeping bags, and two dogs, we can stay pretty warm.  

The other Dodge farm truck does not have a canopy, and it's the truck that I use to go get all those filbert shells.  I just pull the truck into a shed and Salomon pulls a lever and at least two yards of filbert shells fill up the back of the pickup.  It takes all of two minutes to get the truck loaded, but at least an hour to unload it at home. 


  1. I have had a couple of folks ask about posting comments. It seems they tried, but it didn't work, so I am just checking this comment system out.

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! LOVE YOU! Syd (with a y)
